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How a Baker Built the Fastest Growing Alternative Rock Band in UK History

Pioneering, Innovating and Paving the Way For the Creation of a Brand New Music Industry in 2024...

Just $7.60 for Digital Processing

From the Desk of The Baker (Carl Hitchborn)

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.

Dear Friend,

Are you an artist disillusioned with the conventional music industry paths, yearning for a more empowering and transformative journey?

If so, this message could be your turning point.

As you continue reading, you'll uncover an inspiring pathway to redefine your musical career.

Imagine this moment as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform your artistic life.

Today, more artists than ever are making sustainable livings from their art.

This opportunity is simpler than you think – understanding the steps to unlock it is the key.

Ask yourself: If you knew the steps to create a sustainable artist business with 'total certainty', wouldn't you want to know them?

I'm imagining you shouting a resounding YES!

Regardless of your background, genre, or location, the opportunity to achieve 'total certainty' in your artist business is right in front of you.

Before we delve deeper, let me share a bit about myself so you understand why I’m qualified to make such bold statements.


Here is a brief overview of my journey to now.

My journey mirrors the struggles we all face in our quest for greatness.

In September 2008, I realized I wouldn't achieve my dreams or make the desired impact while staying in my family's bakery business.

So, I embarked on a mission with the intention to make a positive impact on the world.

After careful consideration, I chose the music industry as my platform for change.

Although I knew nothing about it, my reasoning was simple: music is one of the most powerful forms of communication.

If I could create a positive wave in the music industry, I could make a positive impact in the world.

Everyone I spoke to told me this would be impossible: the music industry is one of the most difficult industries in the world to make a wave within.

Upon entering the industry, I encountered a harsh reality.

The music industry was dark, unethical, and unfair, a machine that chewed up and spat out artists, stifling creativity, and prioritizing profit over people.

I knew I didn't want to operate this way.

It was time to help artists ‘Escape The Machine’.

I dedicated several years to understanding the music business's inner workings, collaborating with major record labels and traditional industry players.

I aimed to develop a business model for a better way.

By 2015, I believed I had created a blueprint that would transform the industry.

Between then and now, I proved this to be true.

Focusing on one of the toughest genres, alternative rock, I built The Hunna, the fastest-growing alternative rock band in UK history.

This is the story of how I did it using universal principles that you too can apply in 2024.


Before I outline my vision and mission, here is a very brief overview of my journey to now.

A journey that, in many ways, mirrors the struggle we all face in our quest for greatness.

In September 2008, I decided that I would never be able to achieve the things I wanted to achieve nor make the impact in the world I wanted to make, by being a part of my family bakery business and so I embarked on a journey to find a pathway to make a positive impact in the world.

With some consideration, I decided that the music business would be the place where I could do this.

I didn't know anything about the music business, but my logic was simple: music is arguably one of the most powerful forms of communication on earth and so if I could make a positive wave in the music business, I could make a positive impact in the world itself.

On commencing the journey, I didn't like what I saw; quite frankly the music business was a dark, unethical and unfair place.

It was a machine that chewed up and spat out artists, stifling creativity and prioritizing profit over people.

I knew that I didn’t want to operate in this way and that it was time to find a way to help artists to ‘Escape The Machine’.

I invested several years into understanding everything I could about the inner workings of the music business, including working both independently and with the major record labels, as well as the traditional music business players (agents, managers, promoters etc.), to a place where I believed I had a business model for a better way.


Here is a very brief overview of my journey to now.

A journey that, in many ways, mirrors the struggle we all face in our quest for greatness.

In September 2008, I decided that I would never be able to achieve the things I wanted to achieve nor make the impact in the world I wanted to make, by being a part of my family bakery business and so I embarked on a journey to find a pathway to make a positive impact in the world.

With some consideration, I decided that the music business would be the place where I could do this.

I didn't know anything about the music business, but my logic was simple: music is arguably one of the most powerful forms of communication on earth and so if I could make a positive wave in the music business, I could make a positive impact in the world itself.

On commencing the journey, I didn't like what I saw; quite frankly the music business was a dark, unethical and unfair place.

It was a machine that chewed up and spat out artists, stifling creativity and prioritizing profit over people.

I knew that I didn’t want to operate in this way and that it was time to find a way to help artists to ‘Escape The Machine’.

I invested several years into understanding everything I could about the inner workings of the music business, including working both independently and with the major record labels, as well as the traditional music business players (agents, managers, promoters etc.), to a place where I believed I had a business model for a better way.

In 2015 I believed that I had created the blueprint that would change the industry forever and between then and now, I proved this to be the case.

Picking one of the most difficult genres of music: alternative rock, I built the fastest-growing alternative rock band (The Hunna) in UK history, growing from zero to 10,127 tickets in London in less than 2 years, achieving a top 15 album in the process.

This is the story of how I did it using universal principles that you too can apply in 2024.

My unique approach to the music industry has already achieved remarkable results.

The work I did with UK alt rock band The Hunna is widely seen as pioneering throughout the entire music industry.

The results that myself and my team orchestrated were beyond anything ever done before and have not been repeated since.

By anyone..

…even the might of the major labels could not and have not achieved such results.

In a timespan of just two years, starting at zero with not a single fan in place we:

  • Played to a crowd of 10,127 in London.

  • Racked up 338,787,218 million streams on Spotify and 100s of millions across Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music.

  • Sold 86,746 tickets across the United Kingdom.

  • Sold 61,359 physical albums, across both vinyl and CD.

  • Secured media placements on major radio stations like BBC Radio 1.

  • Secured synchronization placements in major global advertising campaigns.

The magnitude of the results we achieved is hard to fully grasp.

It's not just about the spectacular numbers; it's about the fact that everything we did was by design.

It was all part of a process that I have now defined in the High Time: Artist Success Pathway.

This innovative and pioneering new approach was a big threat to the specific players within the music business and so at the end of 2018, my time working with this band was done.

Since my time working with the band came to a close, I’ve sold over 30,000 copies of my eBook ‘Zero to Record Breaker’, using the exact same methodology I did with The Hunna directly in building my own personal brand.

I've personally undertaken over five thousand 1-1 video calls with artists and people who work with artists.

This has given me a deep understanding of what artists need and how to help them succeed.

Further, I’ve dedicated myself to fully backwards engineering my own process, while adding to it through over 10,000 hours of focused study of the world's best and most successful minds across marketing, business and entrepreneurship.

All of this experience, knowledge, and success has led me to this moment.

The moment where I am ready to do the impossible over and over again.

It’s a bold statement to put out there that my mission is to build the biggest and fairest music company in the world, but as I write this letter for you now, I truly believe that this is not only possible, but that I know how to make it a reality.

Now I'm Bringing All of this Experience and Knowledge to YOU in the NEW and Updated Second Edition of 'Zero to Record Breaker'

This second edition of 'Zero to Record Breaker' is for you, if:

  • You love a David vs Goliath story.

  • You’re an artist just starting out who wants to understand the universal principles I applied to get these results in 2024.

  • You’re an established artist who wants to understand these universal principles in order to move to the next level in 2024.

  • You like to be inspired from success that comes from doing things differently.

  • Perhaps you love music and are interested to know what goes on behind the scenes: learn how bad the existing industry is and how the future is going to be a much better, fairer one.

  • Maybe you work in the music industry and know that there must be a better way.

  • You are an aspiring entrepreneur who knows that learning from others is the key to your future success.

  • You already have an established business and you know that you have to keep on learning from others to guarantee your future success.

What you'll learn:

  • How I analyzed the existing music industry and created the blueprint for an entirely new one.

  • How I defied resistance and ignored doubt from those within the industry to prove my model worked.

  • How I bypassed the gatekeepers and achieved the impossible without using a single traditional music industry marketing technique.

  • How these techniques created a story that eventually led to media support in record time.

  • How my 'outsider' entrepreneurial perspective gave me an advantage over the existing archaic industry.

  • How my story could inspire you to achieve your own goals.

  • NEW: The statistical decline of The Hunna, where are they now? - how the band moving into the traditional music industry resulted in them declining to less than 10% of the numbers we achieved.

  • NEW: I’ve figured out how to build the biggest and fairest music company in the world, which will see my music company High Time go public in 2028 and before then, artists having a chance to join the movement and own equity in the company.

  • NEW: How I’ve developed a system to identify artists based on their ‘People Metrics’ instead of the traditional ‘Vanity Metrics’.

Comments from top industry executives:

Lyor Cohen, YouTube's Global Head of Music

 "The Baker, as I call Carl, is someone who is not 'stuck on stupid' by legacy practices, but instead thinks in ways that work today. Direct-to-consumer is his passion; The Baker is undeterred in helping The Hunna find and cultivate their voice and fans."

Christian Tattersfield, founder of Good Solider and former CEO of Warner Music UK

"Carl is an original thinker and a force of nature. It’s been a great experience partnering with him on the incredible rise of The Hunna."

Dan Chalmers, director of YouTube Music for EMEA

"Carl is smart, savvy and knows how to make calculated risks that play to his advantage; a music industry pioneer in the truest sense."

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Plus, You’ll Get These 3 Incredible Bonuses FOR

FREE When You Get “Zero to Record Breaker” Today...

FREE BONUS #1 - Zero To Record Breaker (The Missing Chapters)

In "Zero to Record Breaker - The Missing Chapters," I delve deeper into the intricacies of the music industry, sharing the insights and practical guidance that have helped me achieve record-breaking success with bands like "Coasts" and "The Hunna."

This book expands on the strategies presented in "Zero to Record Breaker" and addresses common questions from readers, providing a comprehensive blueprint for artists and music industry professionals.

This book offers additional insights and practical steps that artists can apply at any stage of their careers. It also critiques the inefficiencies of traditional record deals and introduces a new, fairer model designed for today's digital era.

  • Understand the historical shifts in the music industry from vinyl to streaming.

  • Recognize the significant impact of streaming services on artist revenue.

  • Learn about the drawbacks of traditional major label deals.

  • Explore a new, holistic business model for artist success.

  • Discover strategies for maintaining continuous momentum in your music career.

  • Empower yourself with knowledge of business and marketing essentials.

  • Embrace digital tools to build direct connections with your audience.

  • Be inspired by a vision for a fairer, more sustainable music industry.

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FREE BONUS #2 - The Continuous Momentum Formula

In "The Continuous Momentum Formula," I outline a comprehensive approach to building and sustaining momentum in your artist business.

This book is designed to help artists maintain consistent progress and achieve long-term success by leveraging a strategic, step-by-step formula.

Momentum is the lifeblood of any successful artist's career.

Without it, progress stalls, and opportunities dry up.

This book explains the concept of momentum and provides a detailed breakdown of a formula that ensures you never lose it.

I share practical strategies that have been proven to work, ensuring that every small win contributes to a larger, sustained success.

  • Grasp the importance of momentum and how it drives success.

  • Learn how to build and maintain a song bank to ensure a steady flow of releases.

  • Discover the dual-lane strategy of continuous product creation and marketing campaigns.

  • Understand the necessity of consistent songwriting to avoid losing momentum.

  • Keep your campaigns running even during downtime to maintain fan engagement.

  • Implement structured campaign strategies for regular music releases.

  • Reinvest revenue back into the business to fuel growth and maintain momentum.

  • Develop a long-term vision with clear, actionable short-term goals.

"The Continuous Momentum Formula" is your guide to never losing steam in your music career.

By following this formula, you’ll not only sustain momentum but also build a thriving, successful artist business that grows year after year.

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FREE BONUS #3 - Music Industry Terminology: A Guide

In "Music Industry Terminology: A Guide," I provide a comprehensive reference for understanding the key terms and concepts within the music industry.

This guide is designed to demystify the jargon and complexities that often overwhelm artists and industry newcomers, empowering you with the knowledge to navigate the music business confidently.

The music industry is filled with specialized terms and concepts that can be daunting for artists and professionals alike.

This guide breaks down these terms, providing clear definitions and explanations.

By understanding the language of the industry, you can make more informed decisions and better advocate for yourself and your career.

  • Learn the role and responsibilities of a booking agent in securing performance opportunities.

  • Understand the function and importance of digital service providers (DSP) in the music industry.

  • Gain clarity on compositions and the different rights attached to songs.

  • Familiarize yourself with copyright durations and their implications for intellectual property.

  • Discover the benefits and challenges of working with independent record labels.

  • Understand the role of live promoters and the financial dynamics of organizing live events.

  • Get insights into major record labels and their influence on the music market.

  • Learn about mechanical rights and how royalties are generated from music sales.

  • Understand master recording rights and who typically owns them.

  • Gain knowledge about neighboring rights and the organizations that collect these royalties.

  • Discover the role of publishers in managing and monetizing compositions.

  • Learn about performance rights organizations (PRO) and how they collect royalties.

  • Understand synchronization rights and their significance in multimedia usage.

  • Discover the multifaceted role of talent managers in an artist's career.

  • Learn about ticketing platforms and their role in selling concert tickets.

"Music Industry Terminology: A Guide" is your go-to resource for navigating the complex language of the music business.

By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you'll be better equipped to manage your career and make informed decisions.

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Here's What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $7.60, and you get it instantly as a PDF download.

Why $7.60?

Well, I used to mail out physical copies.

The printing, postage and padded envelope cost exactly $7.60.

About 6% of books we shipped out were getting lost in the mail.

And some of them were taking nearly three weeks to arrive!

I figured you'd prefer get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent a email receipt with the download link where you can get it.

From there you can download the book and read it.

You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

This is dramatically different from anything you've ever read because it outlines a truly unique methodology to create 'total certainty' towards building a sustainable artist business.

The reason why is because there's no fluff or filler.

Plus, it's easy to read.

At a little over 100 pages, you can read it in an afternoon.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

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There Is No Catch!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try ...or anything even remotely like that.

I'm giving you this entire book at cost, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence

Here's why.

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me $33.04 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer.

Pretty straight forward really.

That being said, if I can't make the numbers work with this offer, I'll have no choice but to take it down.

And by the way, even though you're paying a ridiculously low price - you're still protected by what I think is …

The Boldest Guarantee In The World

I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book or I'll return your $7.60 let you keep the book and the 3 bonuses.

Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $7.60 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

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This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy

Now Before They're All Gone

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

-The Baker

It's High Time for change | #TheTimeToDoIsNow

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you an easy to digest book that is a little over 100 pages that outlines the exact methodology I used to to take The Hunna from zero to selling 10,000 tickets in London in less than 2 years...

All you pay is a measly $7.60.

(That's the exact price it would cost if I were to print up a physical copy, stuff it in a padded envelope and then mail it out to you.)

I'm also giving you three bonuses, which compliment everything you learn from 'Zero to Record Breaker'.

I'm giving these to you as a gift because I want you to be very happy with your purchase and want to do business with me again.

This is a very limited offer because I'm running a marketing test.

If I'm not able to at least break even on my advertising costs, then I'll take this offer down.

There is no "catch" to this offer.

You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back your $7.60.


What are the other pricing options that I see?

You can get the eBook version of 'Zero to Record Breaker' for just $7.60, however, I've had so many requests for the audiobook version that I decided to make that too, so you have the option to get that as well as the eBook version.

I'm also planning to issue future updates to both the book and the bonuses, so, I've also given you the ability to purchase the eBook + audiobook + lifetime updates insurance.

If you take this option, you'll also get lifetime update protection on the bump offer - The Artist Success Pathway eBook bundle, meaning that this single purchase will also unlock future value without you having to pay again.

Get Your Digital Copy of "Zero to Record Breaker" Today!

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